Cover worthy shots and movies starring our embryos...
Live imaging of Dorsal-Venus with two-photon light-sheet microscopy
The Dorsal-Venus signal from dl1/+; dl-venus/H2A-RFP mothers is presented on the left. The embryo was imaged at 150 μm from anterior pole starting at nc 11 until the beginning of gastrulation. The accompanying plot on the right displays analysis corresponding to each time point of the movie. Intensity level of each nucleus at the given location along the DV axis is represented by green dots, and the quantified Dorsal gradient is shown by the red curve.

What you do with a defective incubator radiator that cost 10K to replace -> ART
CVM cell migration from dorsal view in different genetic backgrounds
Embryos of either wild type or FGF mutant (DfBSC25) backgrounds imaged live at embryonic stage 10, 11 and 12 using the bHLH54F-H2A-mCherry reporter to illuminate caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM) cell migration. Anterior is towards the left and dorsal view is in focus.
Segmentation and tracking of mesoderm nuclei in wild-type embryos
Spots represent mesoderm nuclei tracked over time. Ectoderm H2A-GFP raw data is kept in for reference. The first view is dorsal, and the second view is posterior. Large grid marks = 20 µm.