![meso spread](https://caltechsites-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/stathlab/images/bi118.image.width-990.jpg)
9 units (3-0-6); second term
TuTh 10:30-11:55am
Prerequisites: Bi 8 and Bi 9, or instructor's permission.
Instructor: Stathopoulos
Lectures on and discussion of how cells, tissues, and organs take shape: the influence of force on cell shape change; cell migration including chemotaxis and collective cell movement; adhesion/de-adhesion during migration; the relationship between cell migration and metastasis; and a review/overview of general signaling principles and embryonic development of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Students will choose term project involving writing a grant proposal or quantitative analysis of available datasets relating to lecture topics. Instructor: Stathopoulos. Offered 2022–23.